Fire Safety Tips For College Students On And Off Campus

Fire Safety Tips For College Students Yes, a working smoke alarm because today many apartments have a smoke alarm but it does not work. Your Read this landlord will provide you with smoke detectors which you might have to change the batteries yourself. When you choose to study abroad or anywhere away from home, keep a fire alarm as a priority on your checklist. Also, one more thing you must note down is that fire officials always advise you to have a photoelectric variety of smoke alarms instead of the less efficient ionization kind.

Avoid Overloaded Outlets That Cause Electric Hazard
When you choose to be on your own you must be very careful and smart. Never overload an outlet with unnecessary extension cords. Maybe use frayed or cheap cords. Or even run cords under the rugs. Power surge protectors are advisable, the ones that are approved by the Underwriters Laboratories (UL).

Other things to prevent an electric hazard are the basics that you know but forget so here I am reminding you. Keep fabrics away from open flames or lamps. Never walk away from an iron that is on, never go to sleep with space heaters on. These are the fire safety tips for college students that will save your life and others as well.

Keep A Fire Extinguisher Handy
Well, when it comes to your university, they do have campus fire safety outreach materials but for your safety always keep one in your apartment. And learn how to use it. Read the directions properly and remember that the primary duty that you must fulfil during a fire outbreak is to evacuate. Well, when in doubt, just flee!

Be Cautious When Cooking
Never leave your stove on. Be very focused when you choose to cook. College students have the habit of being in a hurry, don’t be! If at all you end up starting a fire in the kitchen, use a Class B or Class C fire extinguisher. If you don’t have one (which you should), try extinguishing fire with baking soda. Throwing water on a grease fire will only make it spread more. Again I will remind you that always remember the first thing you should do is evacuate because smoke can easily knock you out.

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